16 November, 2009

I love to be loved.

For three years I forgot that I could be this happy. I've learned so much about my self and about others. Now I am a better person, friend and lover. I rediscover my freedom because I've realized that I was a captive in my own house and in my own mind.

Now I don't have a ring on that finger and I'm so glad about it. I know i want to get married again sometime and I want to have children and grow as a woman in so many ways. I want to build my future with someone who deserve it, someone who loves me for what I am, for what i've become and for who I will be.

Now I look back and feel stronger, smarter and prepared. I made my mistakes in the past and I don't regret any of them, those mistakes are my best friends, now I know they will never let me be that woman again.

Now I've realize that I can love someone like crazy in the most beautiful way if I love myself first.

This decision was the best I've ever made.

Une femme sans amour, c'est comme une fleur sans soleil, ça dépérit.

22 August, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Why Athame Handles are Black

1. So they'll go with any color of robe.
2. So you can cover up nicks & scratches with shoe polish.
3. It's slimming (can't have fat athames, can we?)
4. It doesn't show dirt.
5. Because finding a dropped athame in an outdoor ritual in the dark is a test of loyalty to your faith.
6. It's so much more dignified than chartreuse.
7. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
8. Someone spilled all the paints together and that's what ended up.
9. No, no! Black is for winter rituals--use white before Labor Day!
10. So that we'd have something to argue about other than How "athame" is pronounced!

09 August, 2009

27 July, 2009

When I...

"When I felt there was no hope, I saw your love in the eyes of a friend.
When I had no joy, I heard your laughter in the wind.
When my heart was full of dust, I bathed in your Light and was Renewed.
When I was frightened little girl, you held me safe in the circle of your arms.
Blessings, Mother for your love and strength, May I never forget you live within me."

-Dianne Sylvan, The Circle Within-


12 June, 2009

A Healthy Vegetarian Pregnancy

Elizabeth Somer, Dietician and Author of Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy: The Complete Guide to Eating Before, During, and After Your Pregnancy (Owl Books, 2002) says that omega 3 fatty-acids (a nutrient that plays an important role in brain function and development), zinc, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, folate and calcium. With the exception of the omega-3s that are mainly found in fatty fish, especially in salmon, most of these essentials are easy enough to find in foods that even vegans* consume. If you don't eat at least two servings of fish each week, you'll have to get your omega-3s through foods like flax seed and walnuts.

Somer Have some diet recommendations beyond the two weekly servings of omega-3, this is what she recommends pregnant vegetarians eat everyday:

* 4 servings of cooked dried beans and peas, they're full of zinc, iron and protein. A few nuts and seeds can also be added.

* 4 servings of calcium-rich foods, including nonfat or low-fat milk or calcium- and vitamin D- fortified soy milk. Cheese and cottage cheese are good for calcium but won't supply the vitamin D your body needs to absorb it and move it into the bones. "Look for foods that have 300 mg of calcium per serving, which equates to about 30 percent of the daily value as listed on the label," says Somer.

* 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables because they're full of antioxidants. "I recommend five to seven servings of vegetables and three to five of fruit," says Somer.

* 6 to 11 servings of whole grains, including foods such as brown rice, oatmeal and whole wheat bread.

* 1 or more servings of a food that has vitamin B12, such as milk, fortified soy milk, egg yolk, or fermented soy foods like miso and tempeh.

I found all this information in the following web site:


There you can find some yummy vegetarian recipes also.

*Vegans: People who eat no animal products at all

09 June, 2009

Tea Party

Tea Leaves
Tea Loves
Loves Tea
Lives Tea
Leaves Tea?

~Uniek Swain~

Ten Things I'd Love To Tell My Younger Self

I’ve learned some valuable things about life, love, and being female over the past half-century. Here is the advice I try to pass on to younger women in my life (family and friends) in the hope that it will save them some precious time:

1. You are at least ten times prettier than you think you are.
That holds true no matter how pretty you already think you are! Don’t believe me? Ask your mother/auntie/grannie if she thought she was pretty when she was twenty. She’ll say no. Then find a photo of her at that age. See what I mean?

2. The only thing you should be faking is confidence.
If you don’t have it yet, pretend you do. In every new situation, pretend you’re not nervous, pretend you’re not afraid. After a few times doing this, the pretend part disappears.

3. Want to try something new like painting, skiing, running your own business?
Go to the library and borrow ten different books on the subject.
Skim through them all, find the ones that have the most vital information and study them. Then see number 2.

4. No matter how old you get, remember what it was like to be a nine-year old girl.
Remember the feeling of freedom. If you’ve already forgotten, do a cartwheel. You can so still do one. Savior that feeling. Wake up with it every day. You’ll stay young until the day you die.

5. In the same vein, cut or potted flowers are never a waste of money.
Because every time we glance at them, they remind us how much beauty there can be in the world.

6. Speaking of money, starting right this moment, whether you’re twenty or sixty, you can change your finances around.
Don’t leave someone else completely in charge, whether it’s your husband, partner, parents, or banker. Become financially savvy. Financial independence gives you the freedom to walk away from many bad situations. How do you know you’re in bad situation? See number seven.

7. If your stomach hurts and you haven’t got a virus, you’re in a bad situation.
Before you know what it is, your stomach always does. Give yourself some time to ponder what it might be that’s making your stomach hurt. Chances are you already do know, you just don’t want to believe it, for some reason. You can ignore advice from your friends, even your own brain, but you can’t ignore your stomach, because the stomach never lies. Oh, and by the way—drowning your stomach in alcohol won’t make it stop telling you the truth, either.

8. When meeting someone new and he or she seems to be behaving like an ass**le, show compassion first.
If after you display your sincere compassion, they are still acting like an assh*le, walk away. If they follow you, call the police.

9. Wear sunscreen on your face, neck, and hands every day, winter and summer.
I don’t care how dark your skin naturally is. Wear it. You’ll remember me when you look in the mirror at age fifty. Always keep in mind that Your body is directly connected to your spirit. Look after your body. Exercise, floss, and brush your teeth. Put nothing in your body that can permanently harm your spirit, including the wrong man.

10. And if you are in bed with a man and he's the right man:
... meaning your stomach doesn’t hurt, he’s smiling at you, he knows your name, he’s not drunk, and neither are you—for godsakes—enjoy yourself. He is not at all thinking about how fat your thighs look.

By Patricia Volonakis Davis


02 December, 2008


According to this page http://www.elforat.net/generadors/reencarnometre/

I've been:

1704 d.C. Domador de lleons
1559 d.C. Ballarina exòtica
1239 d.C. Lleó de la savana
1028 d.C. Mantis reliogiosa
1495 d.C. Shaman Maia
83 d.C. Husky Siberià
484 a.C. Legionari
928 a.C. Comerciant Egipci
1065 a.C. General de l'exèrcit Menfita

I dont know, maybe its real :)